Football season has officially taken over the weekends! Although bleachers may seem far away from a runway, the college game day fashion show is a real thing, especially in the South, where we dress up for whatever we love, and in this case, it's football! Add a crowd and you know that everyone will be looking their absolute best.
This phenomenon of college game day fashion has risen in popularity over the past ten years. It has given way to small boutiques in college towns selling dresses, skirts, purses, and pretty much anything you could imagine in school colors and logo.
So what can you expect to see in the stands and tailgate parties this season? It's all about accessories. Here are a few ideas of how to make your Saturday look, game day ready.
Cowboy Boots
Cowboy Boots are a great option. Not only are they cute, but they are also comfortable, which is a must for football games! Going to a game requires lots of walking and boots give you the ability to feel comfortable and stylish at the same time.
Clear Bags
Having a clear bag started out as a requirement by stadiums, but of course it has turned into a fashion statement in and of itself. Having a clear purse that is big enough to hold your tickets, lip gloss, and credit card is all you need.
Adding a bandana to your game day look is a great way to add a pop of your team’s color to your outfit. You can tie the bandana to one of your boots or loop it onto your clear purse.
Last, but most important to game day fashion, are your earrings. Earrings are the go-to for jewelry this season because they add the perfect amount of color and finish to your look. Unlike rings and bracelets, which are hard to cheer in, earrings stay in place and don’t cause issues. Something simple can go a long way. Michael-Alexis Studs Collection is a great way to add something small but still make a statement. Choosing your team’s underlying color, whether gold, silver, or white pulls together your look with the rest of your outfit.
Auburn and UT fans can choose Michael-Alexis Champagne pieces to add the perfect hint of orange, while Baylor and LSU fans should add a Lexie Stud in gold to complement their bolder counterparts. Aggie fans can wear a Pearl Stud, which highlights the white against maroon. And now, Michael-Alexis fans can be game day ready all season long with the new Gameday Sets.
Gameday Sets feature the Crystal Chandelier design, created in 8 popular university colors. Each set contains one Chandelier Dangle in team colors, 2 pairs of studs and a mini halo. 4 pieces = 8 looks giving you great versatility in showing off your team pride all season long! The Gameday Sets can be yours by contacting
Once the football season is over, studs are easily adaptable into your everyday looks. Because the color options for studs highlight the softer part of school colors, your crystal or pearl studs can be worn over and over again! If you want to read more about how earrings fit in with this Fall season’s trends, check out The Top 5 Fall 2022 Fashion Jewelry Trends to Look Out For.
While it may seem overwhelming at first, achieving the “College Game Day Fashion Show” look is simpler than it sounds! Accessories give you the ability to make your outfit unique and earrings pull together your look to achieve the ideal game day look. Take advantage of this football season to add new accessories and be ready for game day and beyond!
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